Medicine Magic from White Raven


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                   “If everything around you seems dark, look again, you may be the light.”

                                                                       ~  Rumi

Long ago, before time began, a primordial vision was written into the rocks by the Creator. For many, many years, all life, including the four-legged and flying animals, as well as the rooted ones, existed in harmony with that wondrous pattern of nature. The world grew in beauty as this Flower of Life pattern multiplied, and the Earth shone like a giant star radiating its brilliance in the night sky. A massive tree germinated and sprouted in the center of this sanctuary of light and grew tall, giving shade and sustenance to all of creation. With the passage of time, the world blossomed even more and eventually, the two-legged ones appeared in this nurturing paradise. Those two-legged ones, however, gradually began to perceive things differently and started placing greater faith in their own ideas rather than this Law of Life. They started rearranging all the rocks in what they thought was a better way and eventually, had buried every one of those sacred rocks deep under the ground along with the true knowledge of the nature of things.  Without this ancient wisdom from the rocks as their guide, the two-legged ones began to make many choices, like cutting down that giant tree in the center of the garden, which seemed to slowly drain the light out of everyone and everything. The web of life, that had protected all of creation for many millennia, was severed, and, along with the loss of those sacred rocks, an unsettling emptiness  crept into the landscape making everything feel transparent and dry. The rivers stopped flowing with blue water, and even the yellow Sun lost her life-giving light as she sadly hid behind a dark cloud.

With that wisdom of light buried deep within the ground, a world of darkness and solitary suffering unfolded, leaving everyone feeling colorless and gray. It was on that day, when everything seemed to be at its darkest, a rhythmic drumbeat started emanating from everywhere and nowhere.  

As the thundering sound of the drum became louder, so obvious that even some black ravens feeding on a sparse landscape flew off suddenly in fear, a large number of the two-legged ones incredibly claimed they didn’t hear that drumbeat.  So while all of creation was responding to this prophetic sound, sadly, even if they did hear it, a large number of two-legged ones chose to ignore it.  “It is just some thunder threatening some rain that has no intention of showing up.”, they said. “That annoying sound has nothing to do with me and is of no concern for my life.”, they exclaimed.

But the universe has a way of getting the attention of those who choose to ignore its vital message. The ominous drumbeat finally became so loud it was as if the entire earth had become a drum upon which some angry being was pounding . Those harsh vibrations repeatedly hit the parched ground with such force that it cracked the earth’s surface, opening up a cavern exposing the sacred rocks that had been buried. Fire and ash raged and spewed from the huge gap in the earth making the newly exposed rocks more visible than they had been for thousands of years. The hot rocks cracked open and from those cracks flowed a turquoise-blue water, the color of which had not flowed upon the earth for many generations. As the smoldering crimson ash was cooled by the flowing water, a new tree, red as a beautiful sunrise, arose from the destruction. The beings, who wanted to know more, gathered around that glorious Tree of Life, and the diverse expressions of their color made it appear as if a rainbow had encircled the tree. Differences no longer mattered to them; only their quest for wisdom and truth seemed to be what they were seeking. The clouds disappeared from the sky, like the curtains opening on a stage, revealing the vibrant rays of the life-giving sun. 

“Squawk!”  The gathering of seekers looked up through the light seeing a mysterious blue-black raven perched high in the branches of the red tree. They watched with curiosity as the raven flapped her wings and began to fly toward the sun. When the bird got closer to that shining orb, the sun became a portal through which she flew through, disappearing into the fire and light. All the seekers watched and gasped, as they wondered why the raven had done such a destructive act. But their fears were unfounded as they saw the raven fly back out safely through the sun portal. Miraculously, the raven’s feathers, instead of being burned, had been transformed from an iridescent blue-black to the radiant white color of a a newly formed pearl. 

This beautiful white raven returned to a branch in the Tree of Life holding a pearl in her beak from which a magical gold heart was suspended. The rainbow colored seekers looked up at the white raven with awe and wonder while they opened their hearts in seeking even more wisdom. Their eyes were no longer a dull gray, but rather had become more alive with the illumination from their soul. Their open quest for more knowledge seemed to activate an inner light they always had, but, until now, were not aware of.

As the body of each seeker became more translucent, like a piece of fine parchment, the Flower of Life pattern appeared all over them. “The wisdom inscribed on the rocks is also written in your hearts.”, stated White Raven. “Just as the restored rivers flow with sacred water, so the stream of life force energy flows throughout your entire being, giving it new life and restored vision.”

As White Raven, shining like a mystical moon, spoke those inspiring words, a crescent moon appeared to glow on the forehead of each seeker, further awakening them to their own destiny. And in the hand of each being the seed of life was placed, along with the responsibility of nurturing its growth in order to bring all unique gifts into this new world. The light from these awakened seekers shone even brighter with the awareness of this ancient knowledge, while verdant vines of new perceptions began to turn the gray dried-up earth into a lush, verdant sanctuary. Meanwhile, a softer and gentler drumbeat began to transport each being into a place of serenity and hope.

White Raven is a magical messenger for all, freely offering a vision of peace to our hearts and soft serenity to our souls. She inspires an awakening of spirit and a shift in energy within ourselves and indeed, throughout all of creation. She offers us a reconnection to the light that we are - no matter what color that may be. White Raven now ushers us into the darkness of the Great Mystery in this Age of Aquarius. 

It is an era of awakening, an age of returning to nature, and a time of receiving courage so that we may enter the darkness of the void and allow our precious light to heal and nurture our world. 

What is written on the ancient rocks, is now expressed though our compassionate hearts. And so it is. Aho!

Carol Fairbanks

Carol Fairbanks combines her love of nature and adventure with her creative life. Her art images express a relationship with the natural world that she feels is vital for  a healthy and prosperous planet. Carol is a certified Intentional Creativity (R) teacher and integrates yoga and meditation into her creative classes.



Here Comes the Sun!