Magic from Monoceros*

* The Unicorn Constellation

In the midst of winter, I gaze upward at the North sky asking those twinkling, mysterious lights 

For answers to the persistent questions that woke me from my restless slumber.

In my search for patterns in the stardust that could lead me to a better version of myself, 

My heart longs for an illumination of wisdom that would take me light years beyond my grief.

As I explore an area of dimly lit stars, faintly twinkling in the far distant darkness,

I feel a need for a place where troubles evaporate like the cosmic gases of exploding stars.

My vision takes me to the edge of the Milky Way, just east of Orion and south of Gemini,

In the company of three bright stars of the Winter Triangle - Betelgeuse, Sirius & Procyon.

There I  see my first glimpse of a shape reminiscent of my longing spirit - Monocerous,

And I contemplate the pure nature of this dimly lit constellation, also known as the Unicorn. 

I am filled with a sense of welcoming radiance from this darkest part of the Cosmos,

When suddenly, from its brightest star, Beta Monocerotis, out gallops a magnificent unicorn,

Radiantly white, with his spiral horn pointing North, like a directional needle on a compass,

The unicorn gently offers me guidance from the Universe in response to my ardent plea. 

With his starlit eyes upon me, he tosses his mane and raises his front legs high above his head,

And looks lovingly down at me saying, “The light you seek from me shines also within you.”

At that moment the colorful nebulae surrounding the Unicorn become bright and luminous

Like a Christmas Tree on the night before the coming of the presents and gifts.

Glowing tears of compassion from the Unicorn’s gold heart shower me with sparkling stardust, 

As I align with that perfect pattern of starlight within me that awakens the Self of my destiny.

At that moment, when seeing the Truth of the Unicorn’s words, I step into my body of Light

And shine like the stellar displays of the heavens that I have so long admired and loved.

When I am seeking a truth outside of myself, everywhere I look is a luminous reflection of me.

We look to the brilliant stars for answers because they mirror back our cherished light within.

“Magic from Monoceros” ~ pages from my art journal

“Magic from Monoceros” ~ pages from my art journal

Carol Fairbanks

Carol Fairbanks combines her love of nature and adventure with her creative life. Her art images express a relationship with the natural world that she feels is vital for  a healthy and prosperous planet. Carol is a certified Intentional Creativity (R) teacher and integrates yoga and meditation into her creative classes.

“Tools of Transformation - Eyes, Heart & Brushes”


7 Universal Laws of Life